Saturday, December 26, 2009


We had a great time at my sister Anna's place in Kentucky. Got some great gifts and went and saw Avatar the movie 3D, the whole family. It was awesome.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Free Days Again

You know it had been a while since I have had a free day....and it's awesome. Didn't know I had them till now. If you asking what's a free day? Well, for more studying for an exam. Those days where nothing is required of you, except what you want to do. I LOVE IT! Today, I went to early church, then baked treats all day, and didn't have to worry about anything....Thank you Baby Jesus for Free Days again.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

few more days

Sorry i haven't kept up the blog, but my main goal is to pass my exam on Dec 17 at fayetteville. I have 4 more days, and then I will have my life back. Yeah, I think I'm more excited about being able to do stuff again, than passing my exam. Please pray for me.....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

i know I'm crazy now.

So I'm at work, and I take a brief second to go to the bathroom. Sitting on the throne, looking around (by the way, our locker room is where we change out of our clothes into scrubs, it is also our bathroom 3' x 6'). and I'm looking around and I see some shoes, and I think...."wow, someone has the same shoes as me, how cool", then duh, It came to me. Dumb %#$@**, those are my shoes.....that's the kind of day I've had....that's all I got to say.

Monday, November 16, 2009

getting stressed out.

Ok, I'm realizing everything's coming up and I'm not ready...Avery turns 16 in 2 weeks...don't have anything 20th anniversary the day before her birthday.....again nothing, and probally won't get to do anything. Christmas, haven't bought one single gift, and don't know how that's going to happen. My exam is on 17th, and the more I study the less I know....I need HELP!

Monday, November 9, 2009

almost craSH

Have you ever had an accident or got hurt and everything goes in slow motion. I've had it happen several times, I'm not to graceful. Anyways...driving home, almost there....some stupid blonde stops at the sign. But decides not to look and pulls on out, right in front of me. New Truck has great breaks, a seatbelt that works and a loud horn. (not loud enough for me, I wanted it to say several curse words, but it didn't) Then she pulls forward alittle more and stops. DUMB @#$%^&*(. That's all I can say, my heart is racing. It does prove, that most accidents happen close to home. Now that I'm calm down, I want to hunt her down, she lives the next street over....HUM>>>>>>>

Friday, October 30, 2009

Baking begins

It's here, just got put in. Cookies are on the way. I never thought I would be so excited to get a cook stove. I must be getting old, if appliances get me excited. Hehe.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Studying Again

Yes...I'm studying again for my FA exam....just alittle tidbit. Do you know that you have loose areolar tissue in your scalp, and you don't even have to be female. Hum?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Not just your average cowgirl!

So Friday was an early day for me, got done before 4 pm. Decided to take Morgan to the barn. Got there, everybody was gone, no big deal.....Morgan got frosty out and "we" decided to go ahead and get Ellie out. If you don't know Ellie was originally Ralph's horse we got last September. She is huge, big, egnormous....huge again. I call her our John Wayne horse, because I think she looks like one he would have rode in his westerns.

Anyways....well...(here's my mistake) I got bored....Morgan's riding frosty...Ellie just standing there, waiting for something....So I started brushing her...let's say I'm ALITTLE scared of her. She's big. So Morgan saddles her, and rides her some, to get her "excited" moment over. It takes everything I have to get on her. I know, if my backside wasn't so huge, it probally wouldn't be a problem. But I did it. Ellie did good. Morgan and Frosty went outside in the arena....I told her she could, "we will be fine". (here's my mistake) I got bored.....I decided with all my expertise I could too ride outside. Here's some facts you should know: Ellie hasn't been rode outside with anyone at this barn. I have never rode outside period. I haven't rode her since this time last year. I am not your average cowgirl! You can pretty much say...I don't ride at all. Well, after forcing Morgan to me ride outside, "no momma, I don't think you should". We slowly walk outside.....going good. Got to the end of the arena....neighbors wave at us. We wave back....this is great.....and then the neighbors decided to move their big black trash can on their concrete driveway...making a sound that would be normal to us. Not to Ellie and Frosty. I thought I was at a rodeo, and I was the main event. Morgan laughed, and laughed....Frosty she had control of, Ellie I not. Thank God, yes I did stay on the huge broncing horse. But all I could say was "I WANNA GET OFF, I WANNA GET OFF". Still laughing, Morgan says to me, " Momma you've got to ride her to the barn". The mare was wanting me off, just as bad as I was wantinng off, and she thought she could make this happen by going faster. I prevailed, and we made it to the barn, where I got off rather quickly, and will be observing the horseback riding again from a nice lawn chair. Morgan makes this look easy.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Go MHHS Band

Avery came home sunday morning at 1:00 am. She was so excited and tired, but with reason. The band received 12 awards/trophies. Avery says "we're the best of the best". They were awesome. They even beat Jonesboro, who won last year. I am so proud of her and the whole band, it is a group effort, and they have put alot of hard work and hours in practice. Did I also mention, this is their first competition. What a way to start out. GO BAND!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

No Kids

I tell ya, the girls were gone today, Morgan staying the weekend with a friend, and Avery is doing Marching Contest for Band, and Ralph and I didn't know what to do. We thought about going to Springfield and/or Branson. But we realize that we really didn't have to do anything there. So we did some shopping in Mountain Home, but that doesn't take long, and then we couldn't figure where to eat. It was sad. Can I say we were bored. Is this what's its going to be like when they leave us. Oh my gosh.....what will we do, besides try to kill each other.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Yard Work

My new landscaper was here this morning and planted our plants and put down the red mulch. I love it, it makes my flowers pop. He also moved my windchimes so they would actually chime.....If you need some help around your yard, I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping....look at his face, he's so excited! Don't worry...I'm sure I'll be paying him later.

Monday, September 21, 2009

I am not a prize fighter

I am not a prize fighter, even though right now my face looks like it, and I'm losing the battle. Went to surgery this morning, to tell my Dr. something is wrong, and to see if I could get some medicine. Dr. Knox was very nice, told me to go home and get some rest. I then went to Dr Barker (who was working in surgery that morning. lucky me) He put me on antibotics and predisone(steroid). Not sure if it's allergic reaction or spider bite or something. If it doesn't get better in a couple of days might have to lance/probe it and get it to drain. I want to just cut my lower right side of my face off. Please pray for me....

Monday, September 14, 2009

body weight

Studing again....did you know that 50 to 70% of your body weight is water. So I figured since I feel bloated all the time, I gotta be around the 70%. So do you think water pills would help me out. about major weight loss.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Bomber Game

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Morgan

Today my youngest daughter turned 14. Someone asked me today did it seem like 14 years ago when you had her, and I tried to remember back. It seemed so long ago.....the short delivery.....the jaundice little baby......the colic and screaming......the curly locks.....the " got my boots wet" when she was 2. The pony rides to horse competitions.......what will happen for her the next 14 years? Will it go as fast for us as the first 14 did? Happy Birthday Morgan.

We celebrated it at Coltons. That was where she wanted to go, plus they have a song and dessert. hehe

Monday, September 7, 2009

Trotter Watchers

well...Friday was a busy day for us this weekend. Avery played at her first away game, however the storm rained them out. We did not have the privilege. Morgan had her first rodeo since her foot has healed. It was at Dolph. If you don't know where that is, it's between here and Calico Rock, go across the Norfork Dam. It poured, and poured, a super duper storm. But it did end, and thank goodness the arena was sand, so most of it ran off. Morgan entered the barrels and poles. It was the first time on the barrels, she broke no records I'll let you know...but we were hoping to just have a safe run. Poles, she has done several times, and as we told her after she got done with the pattern, "mommy and daddy are no trotter watchers!" "GET UP SOME SPEED". Again the arena was wet, but she did better than before, and being the youngest in her group she got THIRD. Yeah Morgan!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

First Date

Well Morgan had her first date this evening. Alex her new boyfriend (2 weeks now) asked her out tonight. We meet him at the bowling alley. He's so cute, and polite. I think they had a great time. Do you remember your first date? How exciting for her.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Well, I finally did it, I schedule my test......again......for my First Assist. I wanted to do it the first of Nov. but realize that's only 2 months away. So I schedule it Dec 17. Which put me into "freak" mode. So i'm studying again. I do not want to feel like I did that day, walking out from my test, and missing it by 7 pts., and not having a clue to the exam at all. So for the next 3 months, hitting the books....and I want to apologize now,, it I become's overwhelming.

study question : 2.2 pounds is equivalent to kG. Have to know this to figure out how much fluid a 200 pound patient needs his first hour of surgery. Answer:
4 mL (i think) 4 mL for every 10 kG. which would be 9.9 kG for 200 pound pt.

Dear Jesus......please help me.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Chocolate Fix

My good friend Steph led me to this dessert. If you ever need a super duper chocolate fix, this is for you. (and not hard to make) I was even able to make this in my "easy bake".

Molten Chocolate Cake
4 pieces (squares) semi-sweet baking chocolate
1/2 cup butter
1 cup powdered sugar
2 whole eggs
2 whole egg yolks
6 tbsp flour
2 cups whipping cream
2 tbsp sugar
preheat oven 425 degrees
spray 4 custard cups with pam and place on cooking sheet
microwave chocolate and butter in large bowl on high for about 1 minute, untill butter is melted.
Whisk until chocolate is also melted.
stir in sugar until well blended. whisk in eggs and egg yolks. stir in flour. divide between cups.
bake 13-14 minutes until sides are firm and center is soft. Let stand 1 minute.
Combine sugar and heavy cream and whip until stiff.
invert cakes on dishes and top with whipped cream.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

No braces

Finally got the bill payed off, and doesn't she look beautiful.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's already august

It's hard for me to believe it's already august, the girls start their band practice this next week, and before you know it school will have started. Where did the summer go? Avery is already giving me her schedule, and with both the girls in High School, it seems like it's going to be overwhelming. My only answer, is one day at a time.
I need to take this time to thank my sister Anna, for the car for Avery. I don't ever think we could make it, without it, and also for Avery being so awesome, with her responsibility on her hardship license. God has gifted me with 2 great daughters, thank him for making them smarter than me.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Awesome Bike Ride

I finally got Ralph to take me on a motorcycle ride today. The weather was awesome, we went down 14 south, and then turned down to Big Flat, to Push Mtn Rd, and then back to Gassville. We had a great ride.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Rain and Rainbows

Yes, I tried it again, I attempted to go camping. You know friday morning was beautiful, so Avery and I headed over to Lakeview (our favorite local campsite) and set up tent at our favorite site C15. Went down to the swim area, not very many people there. Had a great, quiet and peaceful time. Morgan and neighbors came around 4, not to bad.....had good grilled supper, late evening swim. Woke up this morning, alittle early....but not to bad. Then it know by now.....the RAIN. Packed up and came home.

But you know, with all the rain.....and the cancellations....comes the rainbows....

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Professional photos?

I would like to have some professional photos done, for my family.....maybe something outside, not to stiff....nice and relax, no Olan Mills. Anybody have any suggestions, also can't cost an arm and leg, real close to getting braces off.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mammoth Springs

Saturday on our way to pick up Morgan from her weeks stay at Aunt Annas, we stopped at Mammoth Springs in Thayer. It was sprinkling alittle bit, but we had some time to waste, so we didn't let the weather stop us from enjoying the scenery. It's a nice place to visit and it's not to far from home.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Great Holiday Weekend

Had a great weekend, we really didn't do much, but my sister and her friend was here. Did alittle shopping on saturday, watch the neighbors fireworks. Sunday, we went on a float trip, Avery and me with my 2 sisters and family, on the white river. We all had a great time, nobody flipped over, the weather was just right, and they had the generators running, so we didn't have to do much paddling either. Great time for all.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Broken Foot

Hi guys....thanks for everyones concerns and prayers for Morgan. She is doing good, Dr Shurnas called me on tuesday, and let me know we're doing good, and she won't need surgery. Tomorrow will be a week, only 463 days left. Just kidding......462. (will lighten strike me down for that?)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

No Rodeos

Well thursday, Morgan was practicing Frosty on the poles, and she turned him sharp and he fell on her. The short news is : she has multiple fractures across her foot. The good news to that, it could have been alot worse. Bad news, cast for a Frosty, and I think that bothers Morgan the worse. She was starting to get into the rodeos, and now that's pretty much gone for the summer. I know that "this too will pass". Thanks for your concerns.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Aren't they goofy, can you believe it, their all related. Those apples didn't fall far from the tree.
Ralph tells me this was his best fathers day ever......I think the girls and I did good. We must have, because I usually don't get this good attitude when I ask for pictures.
I hope all the dads had a great day. I know I miss mine, and it's been almost 20 years.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Ralph's family

Friday at noon we left for BirchTree, Mo. (1 hr northwest of West Plains) Ralph's brother and his wife katie had come to visit from San Diego CA. Ralph is bottom middle and his Hippie brother Mike is standing to his right. 2nd row is Katie, Magda (their mom) and Me. Top row is
Morgan, Ralph's cousin Rita, and Avery. We had a great visit, and on sunday we went to Twin Pines Conservation Center, where Rita works as a Conservational Educator. This place was awesome.

The inside, has alot of cool stuff including live snakes they feed. Not me....nor will I show you a picture of that. Outside has trails, fishing, old history stuff....way cool.

cool flowers......

Saturday, June 6, 2009

On the RIver

My family had a great time on the White River today. We put in at Cotter and kayak to Buffalo City. It could have been warmer, but otherwise it was a beautiful day. We saw alot of wild life, and Ralph caught several trout, we lost count of how many, but none of them were huge. We did real good till the end, and Morgan flipped the kayak pulling into the embankment. Gees that water is cold.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Yeah, we finally got them. Aren't they most awesome things you've every seen? I know, they're just a washer and dryer, but to us they are so much more. The girls can just sit there for hours watching the washer.....they're so cool. I think Avery likes them more than her car. It is her chore to do the laundry, and stands by you , asking you to change your clothes so she can wash them, it's halarius.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Alot of times I forget what this holiday means, as I had this year. But you know God is always around, especially in my children. So, Avery ask me in the car on Saturday, "mom, I forgot but what does Memorial day about?" It's like a bomb hitting me you know. No tears, but some deep thought for her answer, she is patiently waiting for.
"Avery, memorial day is to remember our war heroes that died. For the men and women that fought for our country and freedom."

So I thank them....for all they gave, for their memory.

Friday, May 15, 2009

No Rain

Hey cool beans...what a beautiful day....with no rain. That won't last long, as they are calling for rain again tomorrow. But it was so cool, got to ride my bike into town to do an errand. It was awesome. Can't wait to take a ride with Ralph. There is nothing better, than being on the back with Ralph on his bike and going somewhere new and beautiful. The smells (which are good most of the time, unless you pass a barn or roadkill) and the scenery, it's something that you can't appreciate when in your in the car, you miss it. Hopefully we'll be able to do that soon, and I'll show you some pictures of what I mean.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Best Mother's Day ever!

I'm serious, this was the best mommy day. I didn't even get out of bed, before the girls brought me my cards, one from Ralph and one from the girls....and then he was so good, even got one for the cool! Went to church with no arguing....fuzzing or anything. I also got cool gifts. A jukebox for my cricut and a lounge chair, 2 things I have been wanting for a while....Ralph does listen. He really outdid himself this time. Then this afternooon, we went and watch xmen: wolverine.....dude.....awesome!

Then my children gave me a few minutes to take some pictures.....the kind like we love each other....Thank ya Jesus! Hope you all had a great holiday, and we're shown how much they appreciate you.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Well it finally came in, and boy did Butlers hurry and get it here. It looks good with the baby poop room. Just got to accessorize, new lamp and tables....maybe for mother's day...hun? Hey steph hope your doing ok. Thinking about ya.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

National Scrapbook Day

I had a great day scrappin with my church chick croppers today at our all day crop. I got my mother's day cards done (my priority) and several pages. Unlike several of my buddies, I worked on 12x12 pages......they have yet to convert me to mini albums...I just take to many pictures for that to work. I had lots of fun, and great fellowship...Thanks guys.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day Off

Tomorrow is my day off. Haven't had one of those in a while.....Don't know what I'm going to do, besides take Avery to her high school registration. Plus it's going to rain....I have already decided that I'm not going to clean house on my day off. I think I might make my "mother's day" cards, instead of waiting till 3 days before and then trying to hurry and get them in the mail. That would make my momma happy. Good intentions....we'll see....don't hold your breath.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

hardship license

Well, friday Avery got her hardship license. It's cool in one way, and scarry in another.....I like it that she can take her sister to the barn, and go up to the grocery store when I need some butter....but by herself in MTN HOME is another story. Those ole gray hairs will run my cute young, not quick to make aggressive driving decisions over. So to make long story short....she won't be driving to MTN HOME soon, at least not by herself. So this is my question for all you moms.......Do we have to let them grow up?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Buffalo Point

Sunday we took the girls down to Buffalo Point to check it out, and see if we would like to camp there....maybe when it's not raining. Our countryside is so beautiful....I always think I need to travel far away to see stuff, but I tell ya, we have it all around us.
The weather was giving us what for, but your lucky....we didn't melt....The sky was awesome though. Caught some fish too, couple of small mouth bass, and a little much fun. Had a great time. Can't wait to camp there and do some of the hiking trails.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Nurse was not what I wanted....

When I was growing up, nursing had never even crossed my goal-orientated mind. Art and architecture....was what I was into big time. If somebody had told me I was going to be an orthopaedic nurse I would have given them that look. If you have known me long enough, you have seen the "look". But here I am, We did 10 cases today....pretty tired....sitting at the house, at 6 pm, that's when we got done (12 hours later)...and Ralph calls me, come to the barn now, Kendras got thrown, and the horse step on her hand. It doesn't even take a second for the "nurse mind" to kick in.....what do I need? What happen???Where's my portable x-ray machine...haha...suture.....dressings....all this in 5 minutes of driving to the barn. Long story short, Kendra will be ok. Split her finger open, washed it out, dressed it up. She is very lucky to be alive....Horse reared up and fell back, inches from hooves and her head. The horse is missing a seriously....going to sell barn tomorrow. Can't be trained. Both my daughters still riding....learning a lesson everyday.....Pray for Kendra, she's 16, and will be very sore tomorrow.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thank You Easter Bunny

Had a great Easter Weekend, even if it rained again. Saturday while Morgan was at the barn, giving Frosty at hard day of training, Avery and I did alittle Mtn Home shopping. I say Mtn Home shopping because there are only a few stores to go to. Orshleins, Cato's, All Pets, Stage. I must say I'm not a big stage fan, to be honest, I think it's a "ole lady store". But they came through.....I finally found it....THE YELLOW PURSE. It's so cool.
then Avery help me find a cool easter dress, and then BFF Steph help me find white jacket to go with the dress. Yeah.....So on Sunday we all got dress up in our new clothes and went to church.

I wanted to take outside pictures with all the beautiful flowers, maybe later.....

Friday, April 10, 2009

not much

I read my friends blogs, and think to myself, I have nothing to write about. My life is boring. But I haven't wrote anything on here for a here it goes.
My furniture is not done, not here....they haven't even started making I still have the baby poop room with unmatched furniture.
Morgan's braces are still on, because I still don't have a "0 balance" on my account, by the way....that's not going to happen in the next couple of weeks, do you think I should call the dentist office, and cancel her appointment in May?
We didn't go camping again, because you wonder why? Rain....again....
Ralph's on call this weekend, so we can't go bike riding anywhere, even if the weather was cooperating.
My girls are too big to color eggs....but I still got them an easter basket....doesn't have much candy or chocolate, but it does have cool shirts, make-up, cool ink pens, roxy flip flops and cadberry eggs....lindt chocolate....and then they got easter dresses.... I'm hoping to get some cool easter pictures.....maybe you'll get to see them sunday.....till then.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Morgan fishing during our wet camping trip

Our camping was a bust, but Morgan did a great job learning to fish. The scenery was beautiful, great for a picture.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

bad day

I don't know how to describe this weekend. At wasn't horrible, but things just weren't going good. Friday my family goes camping down at Quarry Park. Sounds like fun hun? Well it rained over friday night....everything wet....couldn't seem to dry out. Lost my new phone...super bummer! Avery burned her finger. Ralph and Morgan had fun fishing for trout, got to spend some bonding time together.....Since it was rainy and everything wet, We made a short trip and desided to come home saturday afternoon. Good thing, it rained more Saturday night. Had to let all of our camping gear dry out today. Didn't do much today, the prettest day of the week, seemed tired from all that camping haha. The whole phone thing has me bumed. I haven't even had it 2 months. Lots of money wasted, looked for it. Have no idea where it could be. Ralph thinks someone picked it up. Girls springweek is this week, and we have nothing plan as usual. I'm just real down. Sorry guys....

Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekend Retreat

Well this weekend was awesome. Got to scrap with my bff, at a resort in Norfork. Got over 20 pages done and my Elvis record album. Stayed up after 1am scrapping and watching redneck shows with Steph. That never happens, I mean staying up that late. Then I came home on Sunday, took Morgan to the barn, Avery to the store, and planted some flowers. I love this time of year, my bulbs coming up and flowers! Then finally got out the camping stuff, our plans are to go camping with the girls this weekend. I hope it all works out.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dental Fund

Well, after a visit to the local orthodontist, and several years of braces for morgan, and several years of payments on them, the staff let me know...she was ready to have them removed. That soon as I "pay zero balance" on the account. The word that comes to mind, I can't type on PHOEEY! So this is my question on our next visit in May (that I'm sure they want me to have the $1200. balance) "will it hurt her teeth to wear them for a couple of more months?"
Anybody have any idea what they might say?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


We call it a "jepus", its a Garmin nuvi 680 (get it GPS< say that fast and all together and you get a hillbilly version "jepus") Anyway, we got ours today. It's awesome, this cool thing that will tell us where to go, no more fighting over the map or directions in the van. The only thing is: we have no where to go! Still cool though.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Morgan the fisherwoman

Morgan wanted to learn how to fish, so ralph got her a rod and reel. The day was pretty but to cold to wade fish, so we took her to Cotter Springs, where kids under 16 can fish and release. She caught 2 small rainbow trout and had a blast.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

scrapbook pages