Saturday, January 21, 2012

Prom Dresses

I know it's been, a while since I've posted anything, and well....I go through phases I guess. I have a hard time posting just my writing, mainly because I am not a writer. I feel I need to show a picture with my story, maybe the pic will explain what my writing does not. But however I do not have a picture for this story. Morgan has been after me for several weeks to go Prom dress shopping. I have to be honest with you, and tell you I didn't want to go. If you have had teenage daughters or had any experience with teenage girls, I think your will understand my reluctance. I even had the fortune of going with Miss Melanie, Jerrad's mom to the dress shops. Well, long story short. It was nice, Morgan had an idea what she wanted, tried on several dresses, and ended up picking out the first one she tried on. Plus, we didn't have to buy it, came with shoes and jewelry. It all turned out nice, so March 31 Prom photos to follow....stay tuned, it's just plain exciting here!