Thursday, August 27, 2009


Well, I finally did it, I schedule my test......again......for my First Assist. I wanted to do it the first of Nov. but realize that's only 2 months away. So I schedule it Dec 17. Which put me into "freak" mode. So i'm studying again. I do not want to feel like I did that day, walking out from my test, and missing it by 7 pts., and not having a clue to the exam at all. So for the next 3 months, hitting the books....and I want to apologize now,, it I become's overwhelming.

study question : 2.2 pounds is equivalent to kG. Have to know this to figure out how much fluid a 200 pound patient needs his first hour of surgery. Answer:
4 mL (i think) 4 mL for every 10 kG. which would be 9.9 kG for 200 pound pt.

Dear Jesus......please help me.


Kathy Haught said...

i love you dearly and know you can do this. you have always been a sharp tack on anything you set your mind to. i'm so proud of you.

Sara said...

Ok, that last statement with math made my head hurt. Can you go back to how skinny girls have fat in their nose or what bone is connected to the other. No Math.

You will do great,study on.