Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Water was 45 degrees

My hubby got to be the Safety Diver for the Polar Bear Plunge again this year. They had a great turn out and raised over a thousand dollars for the Special Olympics. I think their all crazy, I was freezing just sitting on the dock taking pictures. Ralph said it was a little cold, only 45 degrees...not near as cold as in the past.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow Puppies

Yesterday the "dusting" we were suppose to have, turned into alittle more. Not complaining, it is beautiful. Sad to say, this morning it is already melting. But I was lucky enough to get my puppies (their not puppies, Ginger the schnauzer is 6 & Tinkerbell the yorkie is 3) play in the snow. They were having tons of fun.

I love the snow on the trees, here is a pic of the crab apple in the back.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cowgirl Mini Album

Avery spent most of the day helping me with my youtube video, thanks Ave!
