Thursday, October 27, 2011


So on Thursday, I got off alittle early. That doesn't usually happen alot for me. As I was driving home, the scenery was so beautiful, even with the rain, saw several deer enjoying the afternoon too. I went home retrieved my camera, and just drove around for a couple of hours. The Leaves are awesome this Fall, it was the most relaxing thing I have done in a while.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What I've done

There are days in my life where I feel I haven't done anything. At the end of the day, I wonder did I do something worthwhile, you know.... really accomplish something so that I feel like I didn't waste the day. Sometimes its a struggle for me to see the "big picture". Then, WHAM....I look at a picture like this one....I did that (with Ralph's help), everyday....I help make her a little better. She's most beautiful thing I have ever seen, my biggest Accomplishment.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fair Parade

Avery and Morgan are both in the Mountain Home High School Band, which is so awesome. Avery plays the clarinet and Morgan the flute, but during marching season, Morgan is on the Color Guard (flag line). Now I know your scratching your head, because if you know Morgan you know she isn't full of grace (probally got that from her momma "sorry") but she is doing pretty good being only 1 of 2 sophmores on the team. She got to show some of her flag skills during the parade, isn't she amazing!

This is Avery's Senior year, she has been playing the clarinet since 6th grade, and she has done a super job, my favorite time to watch her is on the football field at halftime during homegames. We go and watch the highschool football game, but it's the band that makes the whole experience worthwhile. I love my girls, and I am so proud of them.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jeep business

A couple of weeks ago, Ralph and I went on an overnight motorcycle trip to Branson. I loved taking rides on the bike with him...but it was getting physically hard to do so, between my bad knee and his elbow/shoulder...we would ache for hours afterhand. The final decision to do something different was when we were coming back home and having to fight the wind. It was tiresome. Saw this Jeep in town, well, everything just worked out, and now we're proud owners of this awesome Jeep. I think Ralph is excited about his new toy.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Smiles around

Have you ever seen anything so beautiful? Scott Gatewood invited Avery to his Prom in Highland Ar.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New Toy

You know...alot of stuff doesn't happen at the Birdhouse. Matter of fact, I find us plain boring. But every now-and-then, something small happens to make our day. Our neighbors gave us their "old riding lawnmower". It had been sitting by their house all winter, not covered-up or had any care. So we weren't sure if it was even fixable...but Ralph thought it would be a good project for him and Morgan (who's summer job is lawnmowing) to work on. So Avery took the carburetor to Powell's true value (her job) and rebuilt it with some help. Then we took the lawnmower to the
shop to see if it was even worth fixing. For less than $120 bucks, we got a "
brand" new mower.....from the pictures I hope you can tell how excited Ralph is....LOL ....he really is, he's just concentrating.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Katie's Big Catch

So Ralph's brother Mike and his wife Katie came and visited us for a day. Just to give you an insite to their lifestyle, I will let you know they are retired, and are Cruisers...Not car "cruisers", but sailboat kind. Off the California/Mexico coast. Their goal is to sail around the world. Not for me, but great for them. Days on the boat, floating in a HUGE body of water, that has things in it that could swallow you I said not for me. Anyways, had a great time with them, took them to the overlook at the Damn in Lakeview. Katie is such a hoot....She's in a sea of big fish, but we got a pic of her with a world record from our part of the country. Afterwards we went to Gaston's and had a great meal....Thanks Uncle Mike.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Water was 45 degrees

My hubby got to be the Safety Diver for the Polar Bear Plunge again this year. They had a great turn out and raised over a thousand dollars for the Special Olympics. I think their all crazy, I was freezing just sitting on the dock taking pictures. Ralph said it was a little cold, only 45 degrees...not near as cold as in the past.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow Puppies

Yesterday the "dusting" we were suppose to have, turned into alittle more. Not complaining, it is beautiful. Sad to say, this morning it is already melting. But I was lucky enough to get my puppies (their not puppies, Ginger the schnauzer is 6 & Tinkerbell the yorkie is 3) play in the snow. They were having tons of fun.

I love the snow on the trees, here is a pic of the crab apple in the back.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cowgirl Mini Album

Avery spent most of the day helping me with my youtube video, thanks Ave!


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday Evenings

You know normal people go out and do stuff on Saturday evenings, maybe dinner or a movie , or perhaps alittle shopping at the local stores. Not the Birds, we sit around and watch our daughter practice goat tying with our precious pets in our living room. We're so PROUD of her. LOL
PS. Thanks to Casey, golden retriever and Ginger, min schnauzer for being so still and patient.