Tuesday, April 28, 2009

hardship license

Well, friday Avery got her hardship license. It's cool in one way, and scarry in another.....I like it that she can take her sister to the barn, and go up to the grocery store when I need some butter....but by herself in MTN HOME is another story. Those ole gray hairs will run my cute young, not quick to make aggressive driving decisions over. So to make long story short....she won't be driving to MTN HOME soon, at least not by herself. So this is my question for all you moms.......Do we have to let them grow up?


melissa s said...

How old is Avery? I'm just glad the boys don't want to even get their permit yet....

Sara said...

Yes, i guess we are to let them grow up. I feel they should still be little and cudley and not smell. Wait till she goes off and gets married and brings a boy home that she can sleep with.

Stephanie said...

I don't think we should, Aidan will live with me forever and I will drive him wherever he wants to go.