Tomorrow is my day off. Haven't had one of those in a while.....Don't know what I'm going to do, besides take Avery to her high school registration. Plus it's going to rain....I have already decided that I'm not going to clean house on my day off. I think I might make my "mother's day" cards, instead of waiting till 3 days before and then trying to hurry and get them in the mail. That would make my momma happy. Good intentions....we'll see....don't hold your breath.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
hardship license
Well, friday Avery got her hardship license. It's cool in one way, and scarry in another.....I like it that she can take her sister to the barn, and go up to the grocery store when I need some butter....but by herself in MTN HOME is another story. Those ole gray hairs will run my cute young, not quick to make aggressive driving decisions over. So to make long story short....she won't be driving to MTN HOME soon, at least not by herself. So this is my question for all you moms.......Do we have to let them grow up?
Posted by Michelle Bird at 4:06 PM 3 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
Buffalo Point
Posted by Michelle Bird at 7:42 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
A Nurse was not what I wanted....
When I was growing up, nursing had never even crossed my goal-orientated mind. Art and architecture....was what I was into big time. If somebody had told me I was going to be an orthopaedic nurse I would have given them that look. If you have known me long enough, you have seen the "look". But here I am, We did 10 cases today....pretty tired....sitting at the house, at 6 pm, that's when we got done (12 hours later)...and Ralph calls me, come to the barn now, Kendras got thrown, and the horse step on her hand. It doesn't even take a second for the "nurse mind" to kick in.....what do I need? What happen???Where's my portable x-ray machine...haha...suture.....dressings....all this in 5 minutes of driving to the barn. Long story short, Kendra will be ok. Split her finger open, washed it out, dressed it up. She is very lucky to be alive....Horse reared up and fell back, inches from hooves and her head. The horse is missing a seriously....going to sell barn tomorrow. Can't be trained. Both my daughters still riding....learning a lesson everyday.....Pray for Kendra, she's 16, and will be very sore tomorrow.
Posted by Michelle Bird at 7:07 PM 2 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Thank You Easter Bunny
Posted by Michelle Bird at 11:35 AM 1 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
not much
I read my friends blogs, and think to myself, I have nothing to write about. My life is boring. But I haven't wrote anything on here for a here it goes.
My furniture is not done, not here....they haven't even started making I still have the baby poop room with unmatched furniture.
Morgan's braces are still on, because I still don't have a "0 balance" on my account, by the way....that's not going to happen in the next couple of weeks, do you think I should call the dentist office, and cancel her appointment in May?
We didn't go camping again, because you wonder why? Rain....again....
Ralph's on call this weekend, so we can't go bike riding anywhere, even if the weather was cooperating.
My girls are too big to color eggs....but I still got them an easter basket....doesn't have much candy or chocolate, but it does have cool shirts, make-up, cool ink pens, roxy flip flops and cadberry eggs....lindt chocolate....and then they got easter dresses.... I'm hoping to get some cool easter pictures.....maybe you'll get to see them sunday.....till then.
Posted by Michelle Bird at 4:27 PM 2 comments