Friday, September 12, 2008

Soup Mood

Ok...I know it hasn't cooled off yet....but with all the fall stuff out in the stores and the mums...and stuff, it gets me in the mood for my favorite season. I LOVE FALL. The trees, the cool weather...everything about it. So...I had to make soup. I use to not make soup....because I really didn't think it was a meal. Phooey on that. Soup is great, and today I decided to share my Taco Soup recipe with ya. I know this is a common recipe, but it's awesome, my girls love it. enjoy!


Stephanie said...

sound's yummy, i must try it. a big thank you to avery for letting me borrow her book, yes i finally finished, loved it.

Stephanie said...

okay michelle, i want a new post!!!!!