Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day

Well....I know why they call it Labor day. Because that's all I did all day. Not labor like child-birth, THANK GOD! but I decided to do alittle painting....my hallway. After finally getting the wall paper off. If I can talk anybody out of wall papering...please don't do it. It is a pain in the butt to remove and then your walls are not the same. Basically it sucks! Anyway, got the wall paper off, and started painting....this cool color I picked all out myself. (bad michelle). It is called Cincinnatian Hotel Vander Red (muted red) always wanted a red wall, couldn't go to bold, so muted red, that's cool right? After second coat, painting around the trim twice....muted red looks like vomit mauve...no shitting! Long story short....Avery drove Ralph to lowes, because he's still on crutches...not so much a pain in the ass no more...just alittle bit...anyway, we have a new color in the hallway, it's called New Haven Clay. Pretty cool, after all that painting....i have labored!
PS. Who comes up with this paint names? Is it some Martha Stewart want-a-be, sitting in a cubicle somewhere? I want that job.....Vander Red? Come on.