Monday, February 9, 2009

I will Persevere

OK....we made it through the ice storm, 4 days of no power, heat....failing my first assist test by 7 questions, and my lap top crashing. It really did seem like a hard week. But you know what. It's not that bad, especially when my husband comes home and tells me all the horrid stories of everyone he's had to help. Plus, I can take my test again in 6 months, and I'll know what to expect this time....sorry to all my friends who will have to go through my horrific moods again, and finally HP picked up my computer and is hopefully fixing it as I write, and thanks to my husband I am borrowing his laptop to write this.
Oh did I tell you guys, we painted the living room, and it's a nice baby poop color. The color you know, when you feed your baby 1 jar of carrots and 2 jars of peas and a day later it comes out. LOL....ok maybe not that bad. When I get my computer back, I will send you pictures of Graceland, and the living room....and my next door neigbors broken trees....