Saturday, August 9, 2008

Tinkerbell the spaz! we got Avery my oldest a puppy back in May. She's a cute thing, but boy is she a crazy thing.....if I had just a inch of her energy...anyways... Avery saved up her money this summer to have her fixed. That was part of our deal, when we got Tinkerbell for her.'s the rest of the story....faint of heart might want to leave now....Tuesday she got fixed....pick her up at 430. She did Wednesday evening, couldn't even tell she had anything done. Thursday, one of the stitches had "gotten worked out", she still doing ok.....Friday evening the other stitch "worked out". but the incision looked ok. Took my daughters to town, came Tinkerbell, or "stickerbell" out of her kennell....theres her guts hanging out. NO JOKE! who knew a 7 month puppy could chew 3 layers of tissue, and have her insides hanging out, and still be happy as a lark, bobbing her head like there was nothing wrong. Long story short, after vet visit in the evening, $$$$ and a stay overnight, and antibotics and some meds to keep her calm, again tinkerbell is going on like nothing every happen. WHO KNEW?


Stephanie said...

See you can blog! Poor Tinkerbell, hope the doggie is doing better.